From Surviving to Thriving: Your Nutrient-Dense Path to Thriving Wellness
Aug 20, 2023
Promoting the benefits of a nutrient-dense diet is a constant in my discourse, a lesson I passionately teach through Kickstart Your Immunity. However, the road to recovery and healing isn't uniform for everyone. Especially for those grappling with chronic health issues that have started to affect digestion over the years, the journey might be more intricate.
The Persistence of Chronic Health Issues
Imagine dealing with a chronic health concern like PCOS, heavy bleeds, or PMS. While seemingly benign, these issues can gradually take a toll on your digestion and overall well-being. Minor sensitivities to certain foods, manageable by avoidance, might also contribute. The body's prolonged exposure to these challenges can silently diminish digestive enzymes and abilities.
Resultantly, the initial impact of a nutrient-dense diet might not be as pronounced, which can be disheartening. Remember, though, that despite the extended path to recovery, it's absolutely attainable.
Decoding Signs of Poor Digestion
Surprisingly, signs of compromised digestion can persist even if you maintain a generally healthful diet. Look out for these indicators:
- Low Triglycerides: Despite healthy eating, low triglyceride levels in blood tests can signal digestion issues.
- Folate Deficiency: Good vegetable and pulse intake doesn't always prevent low folate levels.
- Dry Skin, Hair, Eyes: Persistent dryness in these areas might signify digestive struggles.
- Bloating: Frequent bloating, even with a nutritious diet, can be a sign.
- Unsettled Digestive System: Diarrhea that's floaty, foamy, and shiny could point to undigested fats.
Even if you're adhering to a balanced diet and using supplements, these signs might persist.
Unraveling the Body's Response
Ever wondered what's happening internally when your body undergoes stress, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, toxin accumulation, inflammation, and allergies? These factors can trigger a fight-or-flight response. While it's a protective mechanism, it temporarily shifts focus away from certain bodily functions, including digestion.
Fight and Flight: This response puts reproduction on hold and interrupts digestion, conserving resources for survival. Body's Wisdom: Despite challenges, this adaptation promotes resilience and longevity.
However, our goal is not mere survival; it's thriving in harmony with our bodies.
Embarking on Your Healing Journey
So, where do you begin your healing journey?
- Embrace Nutrient Density: Stick with nutrient-dense menus from Kickstart Your Immunity, tailored to aid your healing.
- Opt for Cooked Foods: Cooked foods are easier on digestion than raw options; limit raw salads.
- Digestibility Matters: Choose easy-to-digest options like soups and broths to support your digestive system.
- Balanced Nutrient Intake: Ensure adequate carbohydrate intake for energy, and gradually introduce protein and fats.
- Leverage Digestive Enzymes: For larger meals, consider broad-spectrum digestive enzymes to temporarily enhance digestion.
Addressing Malabsorption
Do you suspect your body isn't absorbing nutrients effectively?
- Consult a healthcare professional to evaluate potential malabsorption.
- Personalized dietary adjustments or supplements might be recommended.
Thriving Towards Wellness
As you embark on your journey of healing, remember that it's a unique process. Patience, perseverance, and collaboration with your body are key. Each step you take, no matter how long it may seem, is a step toward thriving wellness. You're not merely surviving; you're embracing the power to thrive.